Yesterday I received an email titled “Donation of $ 1.5 million Dollars!” from “Chris Colin & Weir <>” that contained the following:
My wife and I have awarded you with a donation of $ 1.5 million Dollars
from part of our Jackpot Lottery of 161,653,000 Million Pounds, send your
name,address, phone for claims.View
We await your earliest response and God Bless you.
Best of luck.
Chris Colin & Weir
Reply E-mail:
Due to my having never heard of the supposed senders, and the FROM address mismatch, this definitely looks like SPAM. The .CO domain is Columbia, and a WHOIS shows the domain is registered to the “INSTITUTO DEPARTAMENTAL DE SALUD DE NARINO” which translates to “DEPARTMENTAL HEALTH INSTITUTE Narino“. Based on the article, I doubt the Weir’s have anything to do with the IDSN in Columbia, and further doubt they would have any interest in myself as:
“We are currently in the process of setting up our charitable trust, which will support individuals, groups and charities across Scotland who are struggling to gain funds from the more traditional or mainstream grant makers.”
This particular email piqued my interest due to the use of the BBC article as explanation and supposed proof of identity to avoid the “Nigerian prince” stigma.