Today a client received an email with the following contents: From: O’Malley, Mary Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2016 1:24 AM Subject: OUTLOOK WEB NOTICE Your password Will Expire In {2} Days Current Faculty and Staff Should Log On To IT WEBSITE<> To Validate Your E-mail.
Tag Archives: spam
Donation of $ 1.5 million Dollars!
Yesterday I received an email titled “Donation of $ 1.5 million Dollars!” from “Chris Colin & Weir <>” that contained the following: My wife and I have awarded you with a donation of $ 1.5 million Dollars from part of our Jackpot Lottery of 161,653,000 Million Pounds, send your name,address, phone for claims. View …
The following email was received by a client (email domain redacted to “<DOMAIN>”), with an attachment named “<DOMAIN>_contract.doc”: From: [] Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 9:29 AM To: <EMPLOYEE NAME> Subject: Re: <DOMAIN> contract I have attached our contract. Please check it and let me know if you want to add any changes. Thank …
Re: unknown charge on my card
I received the following email from our address on a clients system (with their email domain name redacted): From: [] Sent: Thursday, June 16, 2016 6:36 AM Subject: Re: unknown charge on my card What is this $816.27 charge on my credit card? It shows this amount charged by <REDACTED DOMAIN NAME>. Please check …
Attached scan doc
The other day a client received the below email with an attached .html file (“dropbox file share.html”): From: Jonathan Wunrow [] Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2016 11:33 AM Subject: Attached scan doc See the Attached quote file — Make it a Great Day! Jonathan Wunrow Program Manager/Grant Writer Cell – (907) 617-9956